立博客户端app下载网站买方指南 & 会员管理软件

Things to know before beginning your buying process

在为您的组织选择网站和移动应用程序提供商以及会员管理软件之前, wouldn’t you like to know more about what you’re getting into? 我们希望帮助您更自信、更成功地做出这一重要决定. 在下面的指南中,我们想分享我们从客户那里学到的东西(通过在线调查), 支持, and problem/solution interviews) to help your organization meet its needs.

You should be asking the following questions:

  1. Does the web design company you're hiring specialize in anything? 他们是你所在行业的专家吗?

    而不是搜索网页设计师“附近”,寻找网站设计公司 专注于你的行业. 一家在你的特定行业有专长的公司会对你的需求有深刻的理解. Because they already work with many organizations similar to yours, they will have solutions pre-tailored to meet your specific requirements.

    如果你的网页设计公司教给你行业的最佳实践,那不是很好吗? And how to best utilize your 网站 for your organization? 专家会这么做的.

    A great way to identify a few specialized companies is to do a simple search: (我的行业)网站. This will often pull up companies that specialize in that industry. If you are a Chamber of Commerce, for example, you might search Google for 最好的商会网站 or 商会网页设计.
  2. 软件是否直观且易于使用?

    会员软件拥有你需要的所有特性和功能是一回事. It’s quite another for your team to develop proficiency using it. It’s often the case that software companies will inform you, 客户, that their software already has the functionality you need. The problem is that the software is too complicated, which doesn’t fully allow your team to benefit from the features.

    优秀的软件需要非常直观,这样你的团队才能毫不费力地快速弄清楚如何使用它,并为此感到兴奋. 也, 确保了解公司将在整个软件实施过程中提供什么样的培训, 他们将如何培训新员工, and what self-serve training options (such as tutorial videos, 在线培训模块, and learning management software) will be available.
  3. Can our staff access our software anytime, anywhere, and with any type of device?

    Cloud-native software allows your staff to login via a web browser from any computer, 平板电脑, 或者移动设备. 确保您的团队成员能够访问数据库中的正确数据.e., 管理项目的能力, 比如会员信息, 网页, 报告, 事件信息, 支付/发票, 等.).

    Unique username/password logins are also important. You should have the ability to create different logins for different staff members, as well as manage their security access levels. 例如, 您的会员和销售/营销团队应该能够同时登录他们的软件部分,而不会意外访问他们部门以外的内容.
  4. 软件是基于云的吗?

    The days of keeping on-premises servers are gone. Maintaining these servers and operating systems is too costly, requiring additional personnel and continuous up-keep efforts.

    现在, 拥有自己的服务器群来支持您的软件就像构建一个电网来为您的组织提供电力. Adopting a cloud-based approach is far more economical and practical. 使用基于云的解决方案将解放您的IT团队来执行更高价值的活动, such as architecting future resolutions and optimizing existing technology.
  5. Does the software provide a total solution?


    避免过度依赖第三方集成的web解决方案,让人感觉是拼凑在一起的. When you integrate third-party membership management, 网站, 事件, 电子邮件营销, CRM软件, 你创造了碎片化, isolated data silos that can impede productivity and overcomplicate communication. 您还可能会得到数千条重复的记录和过时的、无关的数据.
  6. Will the software better engage our members through the web and mobile app?

    你的网站和手机应用程序是提高会员参与度的重要组成部分. 对于20-40岁的职场新人来说,优质的在线体验变得越来越重要,因为他们成长在一个互联的世界里,并期待无缝的在线访问.

    Here's what you should consider for your membership when building a new 网站:
    • Will your new system allow for easy membership payments?
    • 网站是否允许你的会员注册活动并及时更新你的内容?
    • How will your members be able to reach out to you from the 网站?
    • Do forms data automatically upload into databases? Additionally, do you get an email notification?   
    • 您是否能够通过感谢页面有效地与您的会员沟通, 电子邮件回复, 还有其他方法?
  7. Is the 网站 and mobile app native to the software?

    至关重要的是,你的网站软件是你的会员软件的内置功能, not an integrated third-party software product.

    使用第三方网站软件,而不是会员软件的原生软件将导致持续的数据集成当软件程序升级. 经常, 你将不得不与不同的公司合作——一个提供会员软件,另一个提供网站和集成. Integrating the 网站 software requires significant customization, and this knowledge is often proprietary to the 网站 company. 最后, third-party integration can produce data silos, resulting in data fragmenting between your 网站 software and membership software.
  8. Will all my data be consolidated, improved and transferred to our new software?

    You may have member information on file for the past several years, or decades even. You may have hundreds of 网页 and photo albums on your current 网站. You could even have folders full of Excel spreadsheets keeping your records. 无论您的数据处于何种状态, you will need to consider the task of transferring it into your next system.

    When transferring to either a new 网站 or membership software, you need to make sure your existing data is not forgotten, 失去了, 或者随意地放在某个地方. 确保彻底询问潜在公司在迁移数据方面的专业知识以及他们的计划.
  9. 作为订阅费用的一部分,我的组织会收到定期的每月升级吗?

    The monthly subscription should include regular software upgrades and updates. 此外,这些更新应该每月进行,而不是每年进行,不需要额外费用.

  10. 我能在买之前试用一下吗?

    在购买之前,请确保您正在考虑的软件提供商可以为您提供全面的试用体验. 这个试验应该包括每个部门都设置了软件(在一定范围内), of course) so that they can take it out for a test drive before committing to it. 这个过程还将使每个部门都有能力根据他们的需求来衡量软件的直观程度. 最重要的是, 这将增加员工的买入价,减少他们在购买后感觉是被强迫的可能性.

  11. 我们的会员能够随时随地在任何类型的设备上获得他们的福利吗?

    Your organization's membership benefits need to be highly accessible to your members. 年轻和未来的专业人士对你提供的在线连接的质量有很高的期望,因为他们成长在一个永远连接的世界. If you don’t provide your members with an incredible online experience, they will leverage the power of the Internet to find it somewhere else. 优秀的在线体验是下一代会员制组织的基础.
  12. 如何处理支持?


    • 什么是积极的支持时间?
    • 我多久可以联系一次技术支持? 我可以通过电话或电子邮件联系技术支持吗?
    •  有任何相关费用吗?

    另一个重要的问题是, "Will we have to rely on a 支持 or development team to make updates to my 网站?“在调整网站副本、图片和菜单时,你所拥有的控制权是至关重要的. 你的新网站应该很容易让你的团队管理,这样你就不会依赖于你的开发人员的内容,你应该能够控制自己.
  13. 有退款保证吗?

    你知道特斯拉为所有的汽车提供7天无疑问的退款保证吗? Well, your new membership software should also extend this type of guarantee.

    购买新的会员软件和网站/移动应用程序是一笔可观的投资. 你不应该觉得你把自己的未来押在了一个你只在销售人员的演示中看过几次的产品上.

    When speaking with your potential new membership and 网站 provider, make sure to confirm that they have a no-questions-asked, 保证资金回收. Your new software provider should be willing to mitigate your risk and, 而不是, take on the risk themselves by offering a 保证资金回收. 这种方式, if the software neither meets nor exceeds your expectations, 你可以免费退货.



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