立博客户端app下载网站买方指南 & 会员管理软件


Before choosing a 网站 and mobile app provider and membership management software for your organization, 你不想多了解一下你要面对的是什么吗? We would like to help you navigate this crucial decision more confidently and successfully. In the following guide we want to share what we’ve learned from our customers (through online surveys, 支持, 以及问题/解决方案面试)来帮助您的组织满足其需求.


  1. 你招聘的网页设计公司有什么专长吗? 他们是你所在行业的专家吗?

    Rather than searching for web designers by "near you", look for 网站 design companies that 专注于你的行业. A company that has an expertise in your specific industry will have a deep understanding of your needs. 因为他们已经和很多和你们类似的组织合作了, 他们将为您量身定制解决方案,以满足您的具体要求.

    Wouldn't it be nice if your web design company educated you on best practices for your industry? 以及如何最好地利用你的网站为你的组织? 专家会这么做的.

    一个确定一些专业公司的好方法是做一个简单的搜索: (我的行业)网站. 这通常会吸引专门从事该行业的公司. 例如,如果你是一个商会,你可能会在谷歌上搜索 最好的商会网站 or 商会网页设计.
  2. 软件是否直观且易于使用?

    It is one thing for membership software to have all the features and functionality that you need. 对于您的团队来说,熟练使用它是另一回事. 软件公司通常会通知您, 客户, 他们的软件已经具备了你需要的功能. 问题是软件太复杂了, 这并不能让你的团队完全从这些特性中获益.

    Great software needs to be extremely intuitive so that your team can effortlessly and quickly figure out how to use it and are excited to do so. 也, make sure to understand what training a company will provide throughout the implementation of the software, 他们将如何培训新员工, 以及有哪些自助培训选项(如教程视频), 在线培训模块, 和学习管理软件)将可用.
  3. 我们的员工可以随时随地使用任何类型的设备访问我们的软件吗?

    云原生软件允许您的员工通过网络浏览器从任何计算机登录, 平板电脑, 或者移动设备. Make sure that your team members will have access to the correct data within your database (i.e., 管理项目的能力, 比如会员信息, 网页, 报告, 事件信息, 支付/发票, 等.).

    唯一的用户名/密码登录也很重要. 您应该能够为不同的员工创建不同的登录, 以及管理他们的安全访问级别. 例如, your membership and sales/marketing teams should be able to log in to their sections of the software simultaneously without accidentally accessing content from outside their department.
  4. 软件是基于云的吗?

    保留本地服务器的日子已经过去了. 维护这些服务器和操作系统的成本太高, 需要额外的人员和持续的维护工作.

    现在, having your own server farm to 支持 your software is like building an electrical grid to provide your organization with electricity. 采用基于云的方法更加经济和实用. Using a cloud-based solution will free up your IT team to conduct higher-value activities, 比如构建未来的分辨率和优化现有的技术.
  5. 软件是否提供了一个完整的解决方案?

    Pure nirvana is finding one software program that meets all the needs of every department.

    Avoid web solutions that are overly dependent on third-party integration and feel cobbled together. 当您集成第三方会员管理时, 网站, 事件, 电子邮件营销, CRM软件, 你创造了碎片化, 孤立的数据孤岛可能会阻碍生产力并使通信过于复杂. You could also end up with thousands of duplicate records and outdated, extraneous data.
  6. 该软件会通过网络和移动应用程序更好地吸引我们的会员吗?

    Your 网站 and mobile app are the essential components to improving your members’ engagement. A quality online experience is increasingly more important to upcoming professionals between the ages of 20-40 years old since they grew up in a connected world and expect seamless online access.

    • 你们的新系统允许方便的会员付款吗?
    • Will the 网站 allow your members to register for 事件s and keep up to date with your content?
    • 你的会员如何通过网站联系到你?
    • 表单数据会自动上传到数据库吗? 另外,你会收到电子邮件通知吗?   
    • Will you be able to communicate with your members effectively through thank you pages, 电子邮件回复, 还有其他方法?
  7. 网站和移动应用程序是原生的软件吗?

    It is vital that your 网站 software is a built-in feature of your membership software, 不是一个集成的第三方软件产品.

    Using third-party 网站 software that is not native to the membership software will result in continual data integration when either software program upgrades. 经常, you will have to work with separate companies—one to provide the membership software and the other to deliver the 网站 and integration. 整合网站软件需要大量的定制, 而这些知识通常是网站公司的专有知识. 最后, 第三方集成可能会产生数据孤岛, 导致你的网站软件和会员软件之间的数据碎片化.
  8. 我所有的数据会被整合、改进并转移到我们的新软件上吗?

    你可能有过去几年,甚至几十年的会员信息. 你现在的网站上可能有数百个网页和相册. 你甚至可以有一个装满Excel电子表格的文件夹来保存你的记录. 无论您的数据处于何种状态, 您需要考虑将其转移到下一个系统的任务.

    当转移到一个新的网站或会员软件, 您需要确保您的现有数据没有被遗忘, 失去了, 或者随意地放在某个地方. Make sure to thoroughly question the prospective companies about their expertise in migrating data and their plan to do so.
  9. Will my organization receive regular monthly upgrades as part of our subscription fee?

    每月的订阅应该包括定期的软件升级和更新. Further, these updates should take place every month, not on an annual basis, at no additional cost.

  10. 我能在买之前试用一下吗?

    Make sure that the software provider that you are considering can provide you with a comprehensive trial experience before your purchase. This trial should involve every department being set up with the software (within limits, 当然),这样他们就可以在承诺之前把它拿出来试驾. This process will also give every department the ability to gauge how intuitive the software is based on their needs. 最重要的是, it will increase staff buy-in and decrease the likelihood of them feeling as though it was forced on them after purchase.

  11. Will our members be able to access their benefits anytime from anywhere and on any type of device?

    您的组织的会员福利需要对您的成员高度开放. Young and upcoming professionals have high expectations for the quality of online connectivity you provide because they grew up in an always-connected world. 如果你不为你的会员提供一个令人难以置信的在线体验, 他们将利用互联网的力量在其他地方找到它. An excellent online experience is the foundation of the next generation of membership organizations.
  12. 如何处理支持?

    Make sure the 网站 includes ongoing 支持 and that the terms are clearly defined.

    • 什么是积极的支持时间?
    • 我多久可以联系一次技术支持? 我可以通过电话或电子邮件联系技术支持吗?
    •  有任何相关费用吗?

    另一个重要的问题是, “我们是否需要依靠支持或开发团队来更新我的网站?" The amount of control you will have when adjusting the site copy, images, and menus is critical. Your new 网站 should be easy for your team to manage so that you are not reliant on your developers for content that you should be able to control yourself.
  13. 有退款保证吗?

    Did you know that Tesla offers a 7-day, no-questions-asked, 保证资金回收 on all their cars? 嗯,你的新会员软件也应该扩展这种类型的保证.

    The purchase of your new membership software and 网站/mobile app is a considerable investment. You should not feel like you’re betting your future on a product that you've only viewed a couple of times in the context of a salesperson's demo.

    当与潜在的新会员和网站提供商交谈时, 确保他们有一个无问题的提问, 保证资金回收. 您的新软件提供商应该愿意降低您的风险和, 而不是, 通过提供退款保证,自己承担风险. 这种方式, 如果软件既没有达到也没有超出您的期望, 你可以免费退货.




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